PRESERVE Final Event approaching
The PRESERVE final event is approaching fast. Make sure you are registered.
On March 17th and 18th, KTH's premises at Stockholm, Sweden will be the focus of the ITS security world. Besides the PRESERVE final event, the security working groups of C2C-CC and ETSI as well as the Harmonization Task Group #6 will give updates on their work and status. PRESERVE will report on its final results and demonstrate its V2X Security Subsystem #2 consisting of software-part and a Hardware Security Module. The software part is available open-source and can be downloaded free of charge for evaluation and testing purposes from our website.
So if you are interested in ITS security, this is the place to be. We have more than 40 persons registered, but if you want to join on short notice, make sure to register asap as registration will be closing next week.