
Welcome to the webpage of the PRESERVE project. PRESERVE was an EU-funded project running from 2011 to 2015 and contributed to the security and privacy of future vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication systems by addressing critical issues like performance, scalability, and deployability of V2X security systems. This site is maintained for archival purposes.

Frank Kargl, Jonathan Petit, Norbert Bissmeyer
Scientific Coordinators PRESERVE

PRESERVE in Scientific American

Scientific American features an article about vehicle security that also mentions EVITA and PRESERVE:


PRESERVE Kickoff Workshop

The newly-started European research project PRESERVE (Preparing Secure Vehicle-to-X Communication Systems) addresses the challenges of secure and privacy-friendly communication between vehicles. At the project’s kickoff meeting at the University of Twente, participants from academia and industry discussed how this goal could be achieved.


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